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Alt 19.10.15, 19:28
Plankton Plankton ist offline
Registriert seit: 02.01.2015
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Pfeil AW: Planktons schwimmende Schildkröten und fliegende Spaghettimonster

Ich poste das jetzt hier im Fred, es wäre auch gut es unter aktuelle Meldungen vorzustellen, aber ich finde es "passt" hier nun gerade, auch wenn ich keinen Zusammenhang herstellen will ausdrücklich!

Quantum correlations make you never fail a test again
"For the moment it is a proof-of-principle which shows that discord is a fundamental resource. Basically this shows that discord has a precise meaning linked to quantum coherence of a subsystem in all possible bases. In short, if you require coherence (superposition in a certain preferred basis) for applications such as metrology, sensing, quantum cryptography, etc., then using correlated states with discord guarantees you a success in your protocol even if you do not know the preferred basis."


Perhaps this is already exploited in natural phenomena, where coherence is found to flourish in noisy environments and has a functional role for the system's optimization (e.g., in light harvesting). After all, we clearly showed how coherence is nothing but the daughter of quantum discord."

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-05-quantum.html#jCp
